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The Gardening Gods told me "Fall is the time for planting"! And who am I to argue? But after a summer full of planting, I wasn't so sure I could fully embrace this declaration, but I was willing to at least stick a few bulbs in ground. Especially because

With somewhat guarded enthusiasm, I went out into the yard to plant my bulbs, thinking of the beautiful double blossoms that would greet me next Spring. Alas, that enthusiasm soon came to a screeching halt, when I was confronted with reality: we have clay soil and seem to have dug our garden on top of a rock quarry. In actual fact, I ended up using the following tools to dig 5 inch deep holes:

Anyway, so that this post is somewhat useful,
let me give you some bulb planting tips:
1. Spring flowering bulbs have to go in the ground before the ground freezes
2. Plant the bulbs in a sunny location
3. Use a trowel or bulb planting tool
(unless of course those are ridiculously inefficient,
in which case you might consider renting a jack-hammer)
4. Plant the bulbs root side down, pointed side up
(this may seem a no-brainer, but let's not judge people who may not know this)
5. Cover the bulb with dirt and wait for Spring.
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