
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Front Porch Decor

Hello There!
It's a rainy day, so I'll be honest, my job for today is scouring Pinterest and the HGTV website for ideas and inspiration for our front porch. It's working! I feel inspired and excited. Here's my conclusion: With a little bit of work, a few bucks, and some sunshine, we're going to have a comfy front porch this year.
Here are a couple of pictures of our house and front porch (they're old pix, and don't show the foundation garden we put in last year, but I'm not going out in the rain to take a new picture for you - I might melt).
As you can see the lattice is black, as are the shutters. (It's funny, in these pictures it looks like we could be in a development, but we're actually in the middle of nowhere land, with trees all around us!)

See, this is my front yard!
Sorry, I get sidetracked.  So, the porch is pretty long and skinny, therefore, my seating options are somewhat limited. Either side of the front door there is room for a small cafe table, or a few rockers.

The first thing I want is a couple of runner sized indoor/outdoor rugs. That's about the only size rug I can fit.  I did search around various blogs and Pinterest for tutorials on making my own rugs. A drop cloth rug may be something I could do, but with all I have goiong on this summer (weddings, birthdays, graduations) - I'm hoping to buy a rug or two.  I feel kind of guilty, but, here's one I love. Yellow is my favorite color, and I think it would look great on either side of the porch.

This porch below is about the shape and width of our porch.  I am loving the curtains. I am going to hang curtains on the far ends (not along the front). I want something breezy and colorful. I'm making my own, using fabric from the fabric store.

Handmade curtain panels by Lori Lawson
When I look at our front porch all I can see is the white front door. Look at me, I'm boing! (That's what it's saying to me - or maybe that's just the voices again). Anyway, my hubby, Big A, agrees that the door looks boring, and we're painting it black.
So, I did a little research, and found a tutorial on painting the front door. Sounds easy enough.

How to paint your front door HERE.
Another easy fix for the porch is to paint all of the pots. Whether they're plastic or ceramic, a coat of fresh paint (spray paint works), is an easy upgrade. Just remember it's important to use paint that will withstand the elements outdoors.

I've been checking out the local garden centers. All of the different colored pots are beautiful. I'm especially drawn to the gold, but I have to admit, gold wont work for our home. Not this year anyway. Everything is so new, (we built our home just 2 years ago), the gardens are a work in progress, and the grass hasn't fully grown in yet. 

I'm thinking the gold might be "making a silk purse out of a sows ear", as my great-grandmother used to say. I don't really know what that means, but gold would be too fancy for our home. I think black for the larger pots and some colorful little guys, would look a lot better.

The pot below is great - just paint a large pot and put our house numbers on it. I can do that!

We have two rockers, similar to the one below, which were a gift from my parents. They're natural wood, and unfortunately, they were attacked by the dog.  Hey, it's hard to tell the differece between a chair and an intruder. SO, the chairs get a makeover - wood fill for the chew marks, and a new coat of paint too. I think they'll look gorgeous painted black.
To match the yellow rug, I'm thinking some yellow patterned pillows for the black rockers.
I like the stripes and patterns above.  I'll make my own DIY No Sew Pillows. (All I'm going to do is use two tea towels, glue gun the edges and fill with fluffy stuff.)

My favorite idea, is one I used at our old house. I am going to put Hostas and Coleus in the long window box planters, and put them along the front railings. As the plants grow they create some height and natural privacy. Plus, they're pretty easy to grow, and very colorful.

To hang them along the railing, I use the brackets below:

They hook over the railing, and they adjust to the width of the planter, which is handy.

Now, in case Big A, wasn't paying attention, this is the rug I want. What? I'm just giving him ideas for my birthday!

So what are you doing for your porches. Got any cool ideas?


  1. Hello, I just found you thru Google +. What stuck my attention was because my honey just painted or large pots gold and I wanted to see if I could post you a pic.

    Then I wanted to tell you about a group on Facebook called The Porch Sitting Union of America. They always have links to pretty porches. Plus on Pinterest just search for front doors. I'm thinking about painting mine turquoise. We are trying to get our old house modernized. The white, black and red have got to go around here. Go check out my Facebook pages Cynthia Johnston Martinez and Devine Salvage plus my Pinterest boards are loaded with goodies. That will give you some ideas.

    Then I will send some of our sunshine and warmth your way. It is gorgeous here and we worked in the yard this am. My honey is still out there. I'm suppose to be working on my stores but, like you, I got distracted.

    1. Hi Devine! I will email you and then please send me some pix! (I don't know another way to do it?). I will check out your porch groups and Pinterest! Thank you!!!

      You DID send some sun my way, it has cleared up, and I'm off for a walk with my daughter. :-)

  2. Man! You've got quite a plan. It's going to be epic when it is finished! My grandmother had a cousin that was in a women's prison in the 40's. One of the things they did was make pocketbooks out of cow's hides. I have one - it is interesting! Maybe it was a more common thing to do and has some relation to your grandmother's phrasing. I'll have to dig that thing and post it one Sunday. Thanks for sharing - I look forward to seeing how things progress for you!

  3. I love Pinterest for ideas! You have some great one's for your front porch! I know you will share with us when it's done! Thanks for joining TTF this week.

    Linda and Diann

  4. Isn't Pinterest just the best thing since sliced bread? Yeah, your gramma may have said that one, too! I think your porch is going to be amazing!

  5. Wow! I would love to have your view. You did such a great job with your porch. It looks so inviting, I could have a seat in that rocker and spend the afternoon :) I love your flowers too. What a fun idea to put the number on the pot. I feel so boring lol. Thanks for linking up with me @ Great Idea Thursday's. Krista @ A Handful of Everything

  6. Love, covered front porches - your ideas along with the runner will make it sparkle! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  7. Hi Julia, I like your ideas! Are you going to post about it when everything is finished? Love your soda bottle idea too btw.

    Thank you for joining my link party. Hope to see you again this weekend.


  8. I have incredible porch envy! This thing is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

    xo Kylie


Got thoughts and ideas for me? I would LOVE to hear from you! Julia